Substantial Shareholders

Last Updated : 1 October, 2024 | 9:22

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23rd September 2016

Outcome of 102nd Annual General Meeting

The Board of Directors of United Malacca Berhad is pleased to announce that all the resolutions set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 30 August 2016 were duly passed at the Company’s 102nd Annual General Meeting on 23 September 2016.
All resolutions were voted by poll and the results of which were validated by Symphony Corporatehouse Sdn. Bhd., the Independent Scrutineers appointed by the Company.
The results of the poll are as follows:-

No. Resolutions Vote For Vote Against Abstain
No. of Shares % No. of Shares %
1. Approval of payment of Directors’ fees for the financial year ending 30 April 2017 on quarterly basis in arrears. 51,992,324 88.5694 6,710,000 11.4306 6,750
2. Re-election of Datin Paduka Tan Siok Choo, a Director retiring by rotation in accordance with Article 118 of the Company’s Article of Association. 55,540,643 99.9196 44,700 0.0804 3,123,731
3. Re-appointment of Messrs Ernst & Young as Auditors and authorization to the Directors to fix their remuneration. 58,702,324 100 0 0 6,750
4. Approval for Tan Sri Dato’ Ahmad Bin Mohd Don to continue to act as Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. 58,506,374 100 0 0 202,700
5. Approval for Mr. Tan Jiew Hoe to continue to act as Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company. 58,260,249 100 0 0 448,825
6. Approval of the authority to grant rights and options to Mr. Peter Benjamin, the Chief Executive Officer under the Company’s Employee Share Scheme. 56,409,574 96.0943 2,292,750 3.9057 6,750