Substantial Shareholders

Last Updated : 8 February, 2024 | 16:37

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6th Floor, No. 61, Jalan Melaka Raya 8,
Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka, Malaysia.




The Group is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by integrating it into the way the business is run. The key CSR initiatives undertaken by United Malacca Berhad Group are as follow:-

At the workplace, safety-related programmes for employees and training programmes to upgrade employees’ skills and competency were conducted. The Group provides as its employees and families in the estates with quality facilities and amenities to live and work comfortably. Medical care and hospitalization insurance cover for employees and families are also provided.

The Group’s contributions to the community are by way of donations to charitable organizations, and providing job opportunities offered to local community particular in Sabah.

The Group is aware of the importance of conserving and preserving our natural environment. The Group’s business responsibility, while geared towards increasing profitability, is also to implement good agricultural practices in an endeavour to protect the environment and adhere to the national environmental policies. Proper soil and water conservation measures coupled with sound agronomic practices will ensure the sustainability and environmentally friendly nature of oil palm cultivation.

UMB acknowledges that supporting is the community is part of our responsibility.

Annually, UMB preserve a budget to make monetary donations. Our company initiates and supports community investment and educational programs.

1. Upgrading village roads (PT LAK)

2. Donation for charity organizations (During annual dinner)

3. Bursary Programme for Employee’s Children

(UMB) offers a bursary programme to assist children of employees pursuing degree course study at Malaysian public universities.

Terms and Conditions


Application Form


4. Employee Education Programme

UMB offers an education programme to assist employees who are currently studying or interested in pursuing diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, or professional studies on a part-time basis in Malaysia.

Terms and Conditions


Application Form


Vegetable Farming

  • In every estate, we designated a plot area for the workers and their families to plant vegetables. Seeds are provided free of charge to them. The produce reaped from the cultivation will then acts as food and nutrient source for them, and this indirectly reduce their living costs.


UMB actively engages with its stakeholders to understand their concerns and respond promptly to issues raised. UMB remains looking toward working hand in hand with our stakeholders to build an enduring business and commitment to advancing our Sustainability journey. We engage with our stakeholders through various channels. During the pandemic, most stakeholder engagements had to be held virtually, and they are also requested to give feedback by letter or email.

Stakeholder Group

Engagement Channels Key Topics Possible Outcome/ Solution
Board of Directors
  • Board Meetings
  • Annual General Meetings (“AGM”)
  • Quarterly reporting
  • Annual reports
  • Corporate website
  • Ethical and Sustainable policies
  • Earnings prospects
  • Return of Investment
  • Succession planning
  • Corporate governance and compliance
  • Sustainable business progress and performance
  • Governance reporting
Investors / Financiers / Shareholders
  • Annual report
  • AGM
  • Corporate website
  • Response to queries
  • Announcements
  • Group’s financial performance
  • Sustainability initiatives and outcomes
  • Corporate changes
  • Corporate governance and compliance
  • Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) performance
  • Sustainable business progress and performance
  • Governance reporting
  • ESG reporting
Government / Regulators
  • Public/ virtual Conferences  
  • Site visits, audits and inspections
  • Periodic reporting
  • Meetings
  • Business ethics
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Update on the latest changes in the law
Local Communities, Smallholders, Plasma schemes
  • Stakeholder meetings
  • Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
  • Community outreach activities and development
  • Feedback forms
  • Land matters, complaints and grievances
  • Environmental issues
  • Employment and business opportunities
  • Prices of fresh fruit bunches (“FFB”) and quality of FFB
  • Solutions to conflicts
  • Sharing of best agricultural practices
  • Awareness of sustainability policy
  • Community activities such as vaccination program
  • Community development
Non-Governmental Organisations (“NGOs”)
  • Site Visits
  • Meeting
  • Collaboration and project partnership
  • Engagement
  • Sustainability related topics
  • Understanding concerns and issues with the palm oil industry
  • Recommendation and assistance for improvement in the related sustainability projects
Certification Bodies
  • Audits
  • Meeting
  • Email survey
  • Law, regulations and the certifications requirement
  • Updates on the latest changes in regulations, issues and updates in the industry
  • Audit and certifications
  • Compliance with policies and requirements
Suppliers / Buyers/
  • Discussions 
  • Periodic Performance Evaluations
  • Product and technology trials
  • Site visits
  • Webinar
  • Email survey
  • Business ethics, including UMB’s anti-bribery policy
  • Prompt deliveries of goods and services
  • Product quality and services
  • Licensing, certification and traceability
  • Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • New products or technology
  • Awareness of UMB’s business ethics and Anti-bribery policy
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Product and technology trials
Employees / Workers
  • Meetings
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Briefings / Training programmes 
  • Complaints and grievances procedures
  • Welfare and remuneration
  • Employee-related issues, including grievances
  • Employee development
  • Safety and health issues and practices
  • Sustainability practices
  • Operational performance and productivity
  • Human resource-related matters 
  • Awareness of policies, SOP and sustainability practices
  • Improvement of performance
  • Training and development of employees
  • Solutions to complaints and grievances  


To allow workers to have a feeling of “home” while working in our premise, we are progressively upgrading and renovating our old and wooden labor quarters to three-room concrete type. A comfortable and clean housing site is paramount for them to have a good rest after a long day of hard works.

Workers are trained to take care of the property responsibly. Management also carry out monthly housing inspection to ensure the houses are well –taken of.

Further, we assist new workers to adapt to our community by providing necessities like cooking pots, gas stove, rice and cooking oil.

UMB also provides free medical treatment services for workers and their dependents. Estates that do not have clinic facilities send their workers to third-party medical facilities outside the estate. Apart from the housing, UMB also provides other amenities such as child learning centres, creche and worship places for the estate community. 


The Complaints and Grievances Procedure provides all involved stakeholders with an unbiased and fair treatment framework. The complaints or grievances can be lodged manually using a designated form available at the respective offices and are usually resolved at the operational level.

Complaints and Grievances SOP


Complaints and Grievances Form



The Group is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by integrating it into the way the business is run. The key CSR initiatives undertaken by United Malacca Berhad Group are as follow:-

At the workplace, safety-related programmes for employees and training programmes to upgrade employees’ skills and competency were conducted. The Group provides as its employees and families in the estates with quality facilities and amenities to live and work comfortably. Medical care and hospitalization insurance cover for employees and families are also provided.

The Group’s contributions to the community are by way of donations to charitable organizations, and providing job opportunities offered to local community particular in Sabah.

The Group is aware of the importance of conserving and preserving our natural environment. The Group’s business responsibility, while geared towards increasing profitability, is also to implement good agricultural practices in an endeavour to protect the environment and adhere to the national environmental policies. Proper soil and water conservation measures coupled with sound agronomic practices will ensure the sustainability and environmentally friendly nature of oil palm cultivation.

UMB acknowledges that supporting is the community is part of our responsibility.

Annually, UMB preserve a budget to make monetary donations. Our company initiates and supports community investment and educational programs.

1. Upgrading village roads (PT LAK)

2. Donation for charity organizations (During annual dinner)

3. Bursary Programme for Employee’s Children

(UMB) offers a bursary programme to assist children of employees pursuing degree course study at Malaysian public universities.

Terms and Conditions


Application Form


4. Employee Education Programme

UMB offers an education programme to assist employees who are currently studying or interested in pursuing diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, or professional studies on a part-time basis in Malaysia.

Terms and Conditions


Application Form


Vegetable Farming

  • In every estate, we designated a plot area for the workers and their families to plant vegetables. Seeds are provided free of charge to them. The produce reaped from the cultivation will then acts as food and nutrient source for them, and this indirectly reduce their living costs.


UMB actively engages with its stakeholders to understand their concerns and respond promptly to issues raised. UMB remains looking toward working hand in hand with our stakeholders to build an enduring business and commitment to advancing our Sustainability journey. We engage with our stakeholders through various channels. During the pandemic, most stakeholder engagements had to be held virtually, and they are also requested to give feedback by letter or email.

Stakeholder Group

Engagement Channels Key Topics Possible Outcome/ Solution
Board of Directors
  • Board Meetings
  • Annual General Meetings (“AGM”)
  • Quarterly reporting
  • Annual reports
  • Corporate website
  • Ethical and Sustainable policies
  • Earnings prospects
  • Return of Investment
  • Succession planning
  • Corporate governance and compliance
  • Sustainable business progress and performance
  • Governance reporting
Investors / Financiers / Shareholders
  • Annual report
  • AGM
  • Corporate website
  • Response to queries
  • Announcements
  • Group’s financial performance
  • Sustainability initiatives and outcomes
  • Corporate changes
  • Corporate governance and compliance
  • Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) performance
  • Sustainable business progress and performance
  • Governance reporting
  • ESG reporting
Government / Regulators
  • Public/ virtual Conferences  
  • Site visits, audits and inspections
  • Periodic reporting
  • Meetings
  • Business ethics
  • Legal and regulatory compliance
  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Update on the latest changes in the law
Local Communities, Smallholders, Plasma schemes
  • Stakeholder meetings
  • Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
  • Community outreach activities and development
  • Feedback forms
  • Land matters, complaints and grievances
  • Environmental issues
  • Employment and business opportunities
  • Prices of fresh fruit bunches (“FFB”) and quality of FFB
  • Solutions to conflicts
  • Sharing of best agricultural practices
  • Awareness of sustainability policy
  • Community activities such as vaccination program
  • Community development
Non-Governmental Organisations (“NGOs”)
  • Site Visits
  • Meeting
  • Collaboration and project partnership
  • Engagement
  • Sustainability related topics
  • Understanding concerns and issues with the palm oil industry
  • Recommendation and assistance for improvement in the related sustainability projects
Certification Bodies
  • Audits
  • Meeting
  • Email survey
  • Law, regulations and the certifications requirement
  • Updates on the latest changes in regulations, issues and updates in the industry
  • Audit and certifications
  • Compliance with policies and requirements
Suppliers / Buyers/
  • Discussions 
  • Periodic Performance Evaluations
  • Product and technology trials
  • Site visits
  • Webinar
  • Email survey
  • Business ethics, including UMB’s anti-bribery policy
  • Prompt deliveries of goods and services
  • Product quality and services
  • Licensing, certification and traceability
  • Compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • New products or technology
  • Awareness of UMB’s business ethics and Anti-bribery policy
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Product and technology trials
Employees / Workers
  • Meetings
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Briefings / Training programmes 
  • Complaints and grievances procedures
  • Welfare and remuneration
  • Employee-related issues, including grievances
  • Employee development
  • Safety and health issues and practices
  • Sustainability practices
  • Operational performance and productivity
  • Human resource-related matters 
  • Awareness of policies, SOP and sustainability practices
  • Improvement of performance
  • Training and development of employees
  • Solutions to complaints and grievances  


To allow workers to have a feeling of “home” while working in our premise, we are progressively upgrading and renovating our old and wooden labor quarters to three-room concrete type. A comfortable and clean housing site is paramount for them to have a good rest after a long day of hard works.

Workers are trained to take care of the property responsibly. Management also carry out monthly housing inspection to ensure the houses are well –taken of.

Further, we assist new workers to adapt to our community by providing necessities like cooking pots, gas stove, rice and cooking oil.

UMB also provides free medical treatment services for workers and their dependents. Estates that do not have clinic facilities send their workers to third-party medical facilities outside the estate. Apart from the housing, UMB also provides other amenities such as child learning centres, creche and worship places for the estate community. 


The Complaints and Grievances Procedure provides all involved stakeholders with an unbiased and fair treatment framework. The complaints or grievances can be lodged manually using a designated form available at the respective offices and are usually resolved at the operational level.

Complaints and Grievances SOP


Complaints and Grievances Form
